Hi everyone! The Firefox Graphics team has been working on *desktop zooming*, a feature that brings the smooth pinch-zoom experience that has long been enjoyed by mobile users, to desktop devices with touchscreens and (some) touchpads.
This is a frequently requested feature that fills an important parity gap with other browsers and makes Firefox feel more like a first-class browser experience on touch devices. We believe the feature is now in a state where users on the Nightly channel who would like to try it out can do so without major usability issues. The feature can be enabled by setting the pref *apz.allow_zooming=true* in about:config. If you have a system with one of the following input devices: - Touchscreen (Windows or Linux) - Mac touchpad then flipping this pref will allow you to perform smooth pinch-zooming on your touchscreen or touchpad. If you have a *Windows* device with a *precision touchpad*, you can also perform smooth pinch-zooming on your touchpad by additionally setting *apz.windows.use_direct_manipulation=true* in about:config. Support for precision touchpads on Linux is planned but not yet implemented. Even if you do not have any of these input devices, running with apz.allow_zooming=true can still help us catch regressions in normal browsing workflows that may involve code paths enabled by this pref. If you encounter any issues while using this feature, please file a bug blocking bug 1620055 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=desktop-zoom-nightly> (alias 'desktop-zoom-nightly'). Please note that there are some known issues currently blocking that bug. UX-related feedback is welcome as well, either via a bug or in this thread. Thanks! Botond _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-platform