
I want to clarify something I said in my previous email that might be
> We currently process data from the jobInfo and extra.artifacts properties
of jobs we ingest (this goes into the JobDetails table).

Disregard this, it's mostly specific to Treeherder (I think we're primarily
using extra.artifacts for Perfherder and I am cautious about using it as a
catch-all for random bits of information). An alternative for surfacing
whatever information is currently being parsed by TinderboxPrint lines is
to create a structured artifact (if, as I mentioned previously, it's not
stats that should be reported to Perfherder). If this doesn't work for your
scenario, we can pull in people more familiar with tests/harnesses/etc to
help figure out what you need and how to surface it (:jmaher might be a
good person to ask).

When you get an idea of what you need to do, let me know an estimation of
your timeline. I can extend the deadline by another month or two (*just for
TinderboxPrint deprecation*) so everyone who needs to can get alternatives
implemented can.

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