Hey all,

You may recall that last fall we redeployed Taskcluster into two
distinct clusters, one to support Firefox CI and another to handle
Community projects[1]. We left the legacy deployment running to
provide access to CI artifacts that would only be reachable via the
old taskcluster.net interface.

It turns out that we (Mozilla) don't access the legacy data very
often: we are storing close to a petabyte of older artifacts in AWS
and yet we access less than 25 GB of it. It costs us thousands of
dollars every month for that storage, and several hundred dollars more
to continue running the services to access it, so we've made a
decision to decommission the legacy Taskcluster deployment a few
months earlier than planned.

We'll be shutting down the legacy services on July 3rd, 2020. That's
one week from today. A week later on July 10, we will begin deleting
the old artifacts.

If you are one of the few individuals who does access artifacts from
the legacy cluster and haven't already spoken to us about
alternatives, please reach out before next Thursday.

Note: this will *not* affect day-to-day CI on either the Firefox CI or
Community clusters at all.

Chris Cooper
Manager, Taskcluster @ Mozilla

1. https://groups.google.com/g/mozilla.dev.platform/c/QhZFDhlQjxU/m/ngk8z6j1AgAJ
dev-platform mailing list

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