We recently implemented Logical Assignment in SpiderMonkey. The proposal
gives programmers a shorthand for logical assignment. André Bargull [:anba]
contributed the patches that implemented this proposal. It landed in
Nightly this week.

We'll ship it once we're confident the specification is stable. The
proposal is in stage 3 of the TC39 Process[1]. There is currently an open
issue around anonymous functions[2] under discussion.

Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1629106

Proposed Standard: https://tc39.es/proposal-logical-assignment/

Proposal Repository: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-logical-assignment/

MDN: not yet available

Platform coverage: Nightly only, behind a pref

DevTools bug: N/A

Other browsers: Other browsers are willing to implement this. We are
currently the first to have it implemented.

Polyfills are partially available in babel[3]

Testing: The patch[4] includes tests from test262.

Use cases: The proposal is a shorthand for assigning default values.

// "Or Or Equals" (or, the Mallet operator :wink:)
a ||= b;
a || (a = b);
// "And And Equals"
a &&= b;
a && (a = b);
// "QQ Equals"
a ??= b;
a ?? (a = b);


  [1]: https://tc39.es/process-document/
  [2]: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-logical-assignment/issues/23
  [4]: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D70824

- yulia
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