Justin pointed out his earlier post and the apparent disagreement I had with it 
with the "pick a long thread topic" example - and he has a point.  I meant it 
as an example, and didn't say as much, and I meant more to focus on decision 
making, and didn't say that either.

I agree the general engineering meeting is a good place to discuss particular 
issues, as they may not be of interest to everybody.  That would be like 
telling everybody to show up for a movie at 2pm, and not actually tell them 
what movie is being shown.  However, if a particular topic is announced as 
"we've exchanged e-mails over two weeks on the topic X and we think we should 
now make a decision", then only the people interested would show up.  So, just 
by showing up, you're claiming to have interest in the particular topic.

The time zone mess is, well, a mess.  Not much that can be done about it in 
general.  When there is a decision making meeting that you can't attend, get 
yourself a proxy, make sure somebody understands your stand, and hopefully they 
can make the meeting and represent you.

Not that in person meetings solve all the problems, but at least you know who 
was there when a decision was made.

On 2013-04-24, at 3:13 PM, Justin Lebar <justin.le...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ...
> On a related note, I think the engineering meeting is a bad place for
> having discussions or debating decisions.  Inevitably, many of the
> people in attendance won't care about this particular issue, so we're
> just wasting their time.  And similarly, at our current numeric and
> geographic scale it's inevitable that people who do care about the
> issue won't be in attendance at the meeting and thus won't be able to
> participate.  I think therefore that discussions / debates are
> better-suited for our newsgroups or for smaller meetings.
> -Justin


On 2013-04-25, at 1:03 PM, Milan Sreckovic <msrecko...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Every good meeting needs a conflict  - a meeting about whether we should have 
> the platform meeting would be a great meeting. If we are too large to 
> actually have a meeting where  something could be argued or decided, we 
> probably don't need that meeting.
> Status meetings are useful, but as was pointed out, reading the notes is a 
> good way to get that status.
> So, in my mind, the question is - what kinds of topics/decisions/conflicts 
> could we have in the platform meeting, which would make it entertaining and 
> more useful to more people?  We could certainly pick a "topics with > 20 
> e-mails in a thread on dev-platform" and have them as an agenda item to 
> "resolve" during the call.
> Milan
> On 2013-04-25, at 11:59 AM, Doug Turner <doug.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Lawrence Mandel wrote:
>>> However, I have had people tell me that they do get some value from this 
>>> meeting.
>> What value did they get and what role did they have at mozilla?  I am 
>> wondering if the audience for this meeting is no longer mozilla platform 
>> engineers.
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