----- Original Message -----

> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 8:02 AM, Lawrence Mandel <
> lman...@mozilla.com > wrote:

> > My understanding from speaking with a few people is that the
> > platform
> > meeting was once useful to engineers.
> Well, part of that probably has to do with the fact that Mozilla used
> to be a much smaller org. In 2008 most of platform engineering could
> fit into a single room (with folks like roc and sayre on the phone)
> and hash out actual issues with some approximation of consensus. I
> just doing think that's really feasible anymore.

The size of the org definitely plays a role. We can't go back to what we once 
had. If there is to be an engineer specific meeting, we will need to think 
about what that would look like and what value it would add today. 

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