Every good meeting needs a conflict  - a meeting about whether we should have 
the platform meeting would be a great meeting. If we are too large to actually 
have a meeting where  something could be argued or decided, we probably don't 
need that meeting.

Status meetings are useful, but as was pointed out, reading the notes is a good 
way to get that status.

So, in my mind, the question is - what kinds of topics/decisions/conflicts 
could we have in the platform meeting, which would make it entertaining and 
more useful to more people?  We could certainly pick a "topics with > 20 
e-mails in a thread on dev-platform" and have them as an agenda item to 
"resolve" during the call.


On 2013-04-25, at 11:59 AM, Doug Turner <doug.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Lawrence Mandel wrote:
>> However, I have had people tell me that they do get some value from this 
>> meeting.
> What value did they get and what role did they have at mozilla?  I am 
> wondering if the audience for this meeting is no longer mozilla platform 
> engineers.
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