I can definitely tell you what I liked and disliked about these
meetings, and why I stopped going to them.
* Too many status updates. Putting the status updates in the wiki is
great. Reading over them when a lot of people are listening
synchronously is not. The KISS rule needs to be followed, if it's more
than 3-4 one line bullet points per category, you're probably giving too
much information. If you're listing tons of bug numbers with their
summaries, you probably want to link to another wiki page for those who
are interested in the details.
* The order of the meeting is extremely important. I suggested to JP a
while ago that we should begin the meeting with the roundtable section,
in order to basically filter the stuff that is really interesting to
engineers at first, so that we can leave after that part if the rest of
the meeting is not interesting. But if we stopped reading over status
updates, a lot of that time would have been solved anyway.
* Agenda. Be very strict about only talking about stuff that is on the
agenda at least 10 minutes before the meeting, in order to let people
know whether they're interested in attending. I found out that at many
times I merely attended to figure out _if_ something interesting is
being discussed, which is a waste of time.
* Having minutes, but not decisions. I think that discussing the active
issues on mailing lists _could_ be useful if it's limited to 1-2
minutes, but we should absolutely not use this meeting as a venue for
making decisions since not all of the people with useful feedback might
be attending, as previously noted.
* Have more interesting content for hackers. I think that most of the
content of the current meetings are project/product level updates, which
are interesting to read in a wiki page, but not that interesting. I
would really like it a lot more if I could go up and say hey guys, by
the way I added this cool class to MFBT recently which you can use to do
this cool thing, or, hey, we're seeing this crash which we have a hard
time reproducing, can anybody help out?
I'd definitely love to attend the meeting in the future to see if it has
improved enough to make me a usual attendee again! :-)
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