A Dom, 2003-08-17 ąs 10:24, David Fokkema escreveu:
> I don't know. I just installed vrms and checked my system:
> No non-free packages installed on sirius!  rms would be proud.
> I don't really know what RMS is talking about. Just that it is
> _possible_ to install non-free software makes Debian a lesser distro? I
> don't know about GNU/LinEx, but I _do_ know that Debian has some
> technical advantages that can't be dismissed on ethical grounds like:
> 'Well, it _is_ possible to install it, right? No, worse. It is even
> packaged for/by Debian.'

From my point of view, the issue with debian and non-free software has
less to do with the non-free repository, and more with installers. You
can find a bunch of them by doing:

apt-cache search installer

These are free packages that install non-free software. The means that
even if you don't have any user installed code on the machine you may
have non-free software installed (that's just one of the why vrms will
give you an incomplete picture).

One of the reasons I chose debian had to do with not having to care
about license issues as long as I don't use non-free. Then I found
installers and became a bit more careful...

Joćo Miguel Neves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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