David Fokkema wrote:

On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 03:19:24PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

David Fokkema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

TRB: What about Debian GNU/Linux, which by default does not install any
non-free software?

RMS: Non-free programs are not officially considered "part of Debian",
but Debian does distribute them. The Debian web site describes non-free
programs, and their ftp server distributes them. That's why we don't
have links to their site on www.gnu.org.

GNU/LinEx is better because it does not distribute or recommend those

I don't know. I just installed vrms and checked my system:

No non-free packages installed on sirius! rms would be proud.

Until we actually go ahead and move GFDL'ed manual's to non-free.
Then, ironically, `virtual RMS' will complain that you have non-free FSF
manuals installed!  :-)

I wish RMS was as concerned about free documentation as he is about free

Could you elaborate a bit on that? What's the problem with the GNU _Free_ Documentation License?


Don't judge a book by it's cover.

Stephen Touset

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