On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 12:18:08AM -0400, Kevin Mark wrote:
> http://www.ofb.biz/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=260

>  TRB: What about Debian GNU/Linux, which by default does not install any
> non-free software?
>  RMS: Non-free programs are not officially considered "part of Debian",
> but Debian does distribute them. The Debian web site describes non-free
> programs, and their ftp server distributes them. That's why we don't
> have links to their site on www.gnu.org. 
>  GNU/LinEx is better because it does not distribute or recommend those
> programs. 
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> So now that Debian is 10, RMS changes to another distro? What's up?
> -K

I don't know. I just installed vrms and checked my system:

No non-free packages installed on sirius!  rms would be proud.

I don't really know what RMS is talking about. Just that it is
_possible_ to install non-free software makes Debian a lesser distro? I
don't know about GNU/LinEx, but I _do_ know that Debian has some
technical advantages that can't be dismissed on ethical grounds like:
'Well, it _is_ possible to install it, right? No, worse. It is even
packaged for/by Debian.'


Happy Birthday, Debian!
August 16, 1993

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