Hi Giacomo,

----- Mensagem original -----
> De: "Giacomo Catenazzi" <c...@debian.org>
> I think you are overthinking about "them". BTW I can tell you that
> dealing with student accommodation is much more difficult, because they
> care less, and there is much more bureaucracy. Hotels are business, and
> they offer us what they are supposed to do.

Well, you don't know some "brazilian hotels". Somethings I think they believe 
we are asking I favor to them...

> Please do no think that they will suffer. This is business, you should
> care about Debian and Debconf.

Why do you think I'm not care about Debian and DebConf?? Are you thinking that 
I'm really care what hotel wants??
Because of this, I have to deal with hotel wants and what SPI can do. Believe 
me, it's not a easy job.

> They will care themself about their business.

Thank you for you teaching, but i knew that.

> As far I know, it will be low season, so the hotels are probably very
> happy to have so much room occupies. Additionally on low season people
> tend to book hotels later (usually less then 2 to 3 months in advance, I
> do not know if in Brazil it is so). So they should be really happy with
> us.  Very happy.

Well, I can see that your "as far I know" don't apply to this case.
July is not low season in Curitiba, and we heard about more 2 events here on 
the same week.

> An other concern is about how to handle non-bursary people. If it is in
> hotel, I would assume more people would prefer to stay in the same
> hotels. OTOH you (maybe) would prefer not to deal with them (us), and so
> give direct contact to the hotel, but so the number will be lower.
> Should we take the risk or the hotel?

We listed at wiki 10 hotels that non-bursary people can looking for.

We have too many things to do. So, it's better non-bursary people do it.

> A small note: if you open registration earlier, you will have much more
> non-reconfirmed and no-show, which sometimes give much more troubles
> (but I agree we should open registration early, but keeping open longer:
> just doing it in batch: approve early the top contributors (which we
> will approve in any case, also with a large pool). Then regular
> contributors, speakers and team members with debcamp plan (this will
> take also more from the two side to prepare abstract/plan),  This could
> help planing (and I expect the higher travel expenses will be on the
> earlier groups), and not have huge batch to sort quickly by bursary (but
> maybe it requires a lot more work on classifying the groups).

I don't know what is the best time to open registration, but what I know is 
that: at least 5 brazilians gave up to go to DC18 because the window to ask 
visa and buy tickets airplane was too short this year.
Last year, my visa and Adriana's were denied and I couln't try again because it 
was too close to the event. The tickets airplanes were to high too. I don't 
know if this is a issue from Brazil.

I agree with you, if it's possible: we should open registration early, but 
keeping open longer.
Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - Brasil
Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre
Site: http://www.phls.com.br
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

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