Hi Hector,

----- Héctor Orón Martínez <hector.o...@gmail.com> escreveu:
> Yeah, that is great, I never understood the contrary, but I understood
> we are paying down 10% now, as soon as of today, and with that payment
> it'd be nice to have some paper signed, since we did not have anything
> ready I urged to prepare some draft for you to use. Please take it at
> your best convenience.

Sorry, i really had not written here that we will have i contract because i 
assumed that you (global team) knew we (local team) are not crazy enough to 
make a deal with the hotel without the contract before :-)

So, let me clear it.

We have to issues:
1) How to pay the hotel.
2) When to pay the hotel.

I was trying to know how to solve these 2 issues, and than we start to write 
the contract. Why are we not writing the contract right now? Well, we have a 
life too :-) so, we prefer give one step first.

Like I said before, the first paymant is to october 1st. So, we have until 
there to write the contract. Even if we can't pay until october 1st, the hotel 
will wait some few days.

The issue about how to pay is this: the hotel said they can charge just by 
credit card. If this is ok to SPI, it is not a issue anymore. But if SPI can't 
pay with credit card, we have to talk with the hotel to find a solution.

> Thanks, hopefully the booking goes ahead without issues. :-)

Yeah! Nacional Inn wants to solve it too. If we don't have some wierd desire, 
it will be easy :-)

Now its easier because we have to deal with only one hotel.

Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - Brasil
Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre
Site: http://www.phls.com.br
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

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