Hi Daniel, how are you? ----- Mensagem original ----- > De: "Daniel Lange" <dla...@debian.org> > > 1) FTR: A budget that you ask to get approved should include all planned > expenses and all expected income. So we can assess the whole picture and > not only - e.g. - hotel cost. The big expenses (bursary budget incl. > outreach, accommodation, food, venue rent, video / audio / infra rental > where needed) should be estimated. Similarly the fundraising team should > have an estimate of what local and what global sponsors are expected to > contribute. The estimated delta (if any) between expenses and income is > important.
In Hsinchu, on debconf-team channel and in private emails, we asked how to pay 10% to hotels, and we had the orientation to send now a initial budget requesting only the hotels payments. On the future, sure, we will start to write a more completed budget with other expensives, as these quoted for you. But now we have a especific issue to solve: pay 10% to hotel to garantee the reservations. > 2) Are you planning to get some of the 78k USD for accommodation paid > for by self-paying attendees? If so, what percentage do you want to > cover via your bursary budget and what percentage will be paid by attendees? > (E.g.: If 50% would be self-paid accomm we'd have essentially down-paid > 20% already paying 10% of the total.) These reservations are to all attendees with accomodation bursarie. That's 268 places.. If someone want to pay your own accommodation, there are at least 9 hotels near the venue, as you can see here: https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/19/Accommodation#Others_hotels_very_near If we need more bedrooms to bursarie, we can request other hotel too. Our initial ideia was to reservate 3 hotels, but many of you (global team) said that 2 hotels are enough. > 3) What other down payments at what points in time do the hotels expect? > > 4) If we cancel one of the hotels will we get the down-payment(s) fully > refunded? > 5) At what point in time, for each of the hotels, do reservations get > binding (non-refundable)? These 3 questions are almost the same answer. We are "lock" here. The hotels will make a contract with us. But to make the contract, the hotels need to know how the reservations will be paid. So, we asked do SPI to call to hotels and talk about this detail. But to SPI call to the hotels, they need to have the DPL approval before :-) So, I hope DPL aprove this budget, than Martin (SPI) call to hotels to talk about paymantes details, and than the hotels write the contract with us. When the contract be ok, we will assing them, and only after that, SPI can pay them. We have until october 1st. Now we need to show to hotels that us (local team) and SPI are reliable. Best regards, -- Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls) Curitiba - Brasil Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre Site: http://www.phls.com.br GNU/Linux user: 228719 GPG ID: 0443C450 Apoie a campanha pela igualdade de gĂȘnero #HeForShe (#ElesPorElas) http://www.heforshe.org/pt