
Missatge de Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana <p...@softwarelivre.org>
del dia dc., 22 d’ag. 2018 a les 15:42:
> Sorry, i really had not written here that we will have i contract because i 
> assumed that you (global team) knew we (local team) are not crazy enough to 
> make a deal with the hotel without the contract before :-)

Clarification: I am dc18 local team, not yet global team, just helping
out from the side, but I have no voice here ;-)

> We have to issues:
> 1) How to pay the hotel.
> 2) When to pay the hotel.
> I was trying to know how to solve these 2 issues, and than we start to write 
> the contract. Why are we not writing the contract right now? Well, we have a 
> life too :-) so, we prefer give one step first.
> Like I said before, the first paymant is to october 1st. So, we have until 
> there to write the contract. Even if we can't pay until october 1st, the 
> hotel will wait some few days.

Oh! I understood SPI had to pay today 10% and it was all done in a
rush! Then nevermind, you still have plenty of time.

> The issue about how to pay is this: the hotel said they can charge just by 
> credit card. If this is ok to SPI, it is not a issue anymore. But if SPI 
> can't pay with credit card, we have to talk with the hotel to find a solution.

Ask for hotel bank account number that SPI can use to wire-transfer
money would be best.

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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