Hi Stefano,

----- Mensagem original -----
> De: "stefanor" <stefa...@debian.org>
> You probably heard us say this a few times in person, and on IRC, but
> I'll repeat my thinking on this:
> The content Every DebConf local team thinks that

I feel that now we are having progress :-)

In our BID we had estimated 300 guests, and when we started to talk about 
hotels here, we thought about reservate 3 hotels.
At DebConf18, in our fist meeting, you (global team) said to us that 3 hotels 
were too much, and we agree to deal with 2.
I pretty sure that in this meeting we said about 288 guests in 2 hotels. But 
ok, probably global team had too much things to deal these days and this number 
passed without too much attention.

So, make a new brainstorm about how many reservations we need it's not a issue 
for me. But, I think will be much more productive for everybody if the 
questions already come together with some suggestions.
Maybe next time you can already show us what you said here below, instead just 
asking "where does that number come from".

> Bursaries were delayed for a couple of reasons that I know of:
> 1. Late budget (the main cause)
> 2. The bursaries review team wasn't formed yet, when the budget was
>   approved. People didn't have enough free time, when the process was
>   unblocked.
> Getting the budget approved early is the best thing you can do to help
> this.
> Let's start figuring out the timeline for registration. I filed #4 on
> the website to track this.
> https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/websites/dc19/issues/4
> However, we need more than an earlier timeline to get more accepted
> bursaries. We need the budget to accept them. I think we spent almost
> the entire bursary budget on DC18? The reason more weren't granted was
> that there wasn't a budget for it.
> So, if you're expecting to have 250% of the accommodation bursaries, in
> DC19 that we had in DC18, you'll need a *much* larger budget for them.
> And we'll need to find 250% more people, that we'd grant a bursary to,
> to apply, and motivate their applications, sufficiently to receive one.
> If you really really think you're going to have such a big DebConf, have
> a look at the past numbers. Our biggest recent DebConf, 15, was in Germany
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf15/FinalReport/InNumbers
> There were only 161 attendees with sponsored food and accommodation.
> DebConf15's budget is also interesting reading:
> https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/archive/dc15/blob/master/budget/budget.ods
> DebConf's content is pretty similar every year. And the content is
> mostly aimed at Debian Members, Developers and Package Maintainers. We
> have very little content aimed at users. When we do, it's mostly on the
> Open Day.
> I'd say the audience we get is largely the same people coming back every
> year. But also a number of locals. Compare the number of Germans in the
> DC15 attendance, to other DebConfs. Germany has a big Debian Member
> population, compared to Brazil. Germany is also very cheap and easy to
> travel to, for a large percentage of Debian Members.
> http://www.perrier.eu.org/weblog/2014/07/29#devel-countries-201407
> We find that when a DebConf is near Europe, it tends to be big (~500
> people). And when it's further away, it tends to be smaller (~300).
> Old final reports tend to have graphs of attendance. Here is a nice
> summary that the DC15 people prepared:
> https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/archive/dc15/blob/master/budget/past-numbers
> There have been some outliers from the Generalizations I made above.
> DC11 got a large amount of government sponsorship, and could afford to
> sponsor many more attendees - the kind of numbers you're talking about.
> Now, Brazil obviously has a huge number of other, very popular Free
> Software events, and you think that we'll get a decent number of
> attendees from that community, to come. This is really the wild-card
> in this conversation. From everything I've said above, my guess would be
> that DC19 is about 300 attendees.
> 1. Brazil is not near most Debian Members.
> 1. Brazil is not cheap to get to for most Debian Members.
> So, for DebConf to be bigger than about 300 people, the question is who
> these people would be. Presumably Brazilians and other South Americans
> who are interested in Free Software.
> But will the content of the conference attract such an audience?
> OK, I've rambled for long enough :)

No! Not at all. We are talking about something really important if it's 
important read al kind of opinions.

Some os us (local team) believe we can have 268 guests (188 + 80), even this 
mean denied bursaries to flight tickets but give only to accomodations. 
Specialy to local community.
But this is not consensus, maybe Daniel Lenharo and me are the most optimistic 
here :-)
After read what you said and what we talked in the IRC channel, I think the 
best now is deal with 1 hotel: Nacional Inn = 188 guests.
On the future, if we have more than 188 people asking for accommodation, we can 
decide or not to looking for a second hotel (Aladdin or other near the venue).

And, sure, there is a simple question: Debian is owner of the money. If the 
owner of the money wants to pay for 188 now, so that is it.

By the way, before zobel asks again: yes, we will have a contract with Nacional 
Inn... :-)

Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - Brasil
Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre
Site: http://www.phls.com.br
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

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