On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 08:23:37PM +0100, Daniel Pocock wrote:

> Not quite... I would really like to understand your logic for 60
> professional and 2 corporate

Okay, this is right.  I was going to reply but didn't have time.

With 42 professional / 2 corporate (= 44 rooms which are
"professional-quality"), that gives us 40/110 attendees and 15 kCHF
travel sponsorship.

I included it in there just because we know how professional works and
everyone agrees to *very* heavily encourage more professionals.  And
then some might see the budget as just laughable and not take it
seriously.  But realize: if people don't register as professional, and
we don't make a sponsorship windfall, this will be a tiny tiny
debconf.  But I am not too worried about that right now.

Now that I think about it, a bigger question is the splitting of costs
of attendance (food, accom) with professional fee.  If this is done,
more people may pay just food+accom which would reduce this income

- Richard

p.s. I added a cell in the spreadsheet listing "effective accom per
night" (total accom cost / person-days).  It is currently 47 €/night.
That is a *lot* and explains why this costs so much relative to our
other options.

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 20 days, 20:04
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