
Here is found a draft budget:

This is designed to be a reasonable, balanced, and safe budget as of
now.  This means:
- Not estimating a huge amount of sponsorship (just a lot)
- Not including speculative sources of income
- Reducing attendees to balance it.

I know certain people want to put in large amounts of sponsorship and
other income, but I (and hug) don't want to do that, since that is
speculation and not a responsible thing to ask to be "approved".  So,
here is what hug and I hope the plan to be:  As we get more committed
sponsorship, we will slowly increase the number of available sponsored

As for other income like "bar profit" or "bed upselling", these are
very much indeterminate, and previous numbers are just guesses.  Here
is my proposal: we don't add in those types of incomes until there is
a specific plan, posted to the lists, and thus is able to be subject
to peer review for feasibility.  This is why things like attendee fee
isn't included (widely criticized on lists) or bar profit/bed
upselling (there isn't a plan, so how can we guess how many people
will do it?).

Given 100 kCHF sponsorship (hug and I consider this to be a lot but
somewhat safe for now), we can afford:

40 debcamp attendees
155 debconf attendees
15 kCHF travel sponsorship
6 debcamp days
7 debconf days
Unsponsored day trip (budget includes only food we'd pay otherwise)
No special budget conference dinner

( Note: this would mean le camp would only earn about 100 kCHF from us,
  would this be an issue?)

The number of professionals is a bit high relative to what was agreed
before, but I am assuming a stronger push for this (since it's the
only way to make this work).  If this doesn't work out, reduce the
numbers even more.


So, what does this mean?  If you want something to "approve", you can
use this.  This is a *small* conference, but if one wants to continue
on the current course, it is what we have for now.

People aren't going to like this budget.  The options are:
- wait and see if the sponsorship basket continues to go like it is.
We should know a lot more in only a month, and then hug and I will
revise the number of attendees upward.

- Propose specific plans for getting more income from attendees, and
see what people think.

- Cut even more things (but there really isn't much room for that...)

- What else?


- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 19 days, 17:28
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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