Hi Daniel,

> Just a further clarification: is this a VAT-inclusive budget or an
> ex-VAT budget?
> If it is ex-VAT, then the professional fee to pay is actually 600 CHF +
> VAT (so about 650 CHF).

All the prices are including VAT. I know, that this normally not how
you do it, but it's easier to calculate and compare.
The professional fee, it consists of food, accomodation and a
professional "registration fee".
e.g. (prices are just examples!)
food: 7x CHF 35? (incl VAT, as paid to lecamp) = CHF 245
accom: 7x CHF 25? (incl VAT, as paid to lecamp) =  CHF 175
professional fee: CHF 180 (incl. still unknown VAT rate, we have to pay)
total: CHF 600 (incl VAT)

So, even if would need to pay full VAT for the registration fee, it'd
be around CHF 14/registration, which fits into our taxes budget
I still hope though, that the tax office will accept DebConf as an
educational event and will excempt the registration fee from VAT.

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