Richard Darst <> writes:

> On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 08:23:37PM +0100, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> Not quite... I would really like to understand your logic for 60
>> professional and 2 corporate
> Okay, this is right.  I was going to reply but didn't have time.
> With 42 professional / 2 corporate (= 44 rooms which are
> "professional-quality"), that gives us 40/110 attendees and 15 kCHF
> travel sponsorship.

I very much disagree with the assumption that we only have space for ~40
professional attendees. The least we can say about this is that there is
absolutely no consensus about what standard of accomodation the
professional fee should include. My opinion is that we should not
promise anything and that at least all the double rooms, all the rooms
with "literie nordique" <= 4 beds are good enough (= 92 beds). After all these
people just pay their costs (including general conference costs) and
don't pay much "extra".
> I included it in there just because we know how professional works and
> everyone agrees to *very* heavily encourage more professionals.  And
> then some might see the budget as just laughable and not take it
> seriously.  But realize: if people don't register as professional, and
> we don't make a sponsorship windfall, this will be a tiny tiny
> debconf.  But I am not too worried about that right now.
> Now that I think about it, a bigger question is the splitting of costs
> of attendance (food, accom) with professional fee.  If this is done,
> more people may pay just food+accom which would reduce this income
> greatly.
> - Richard
> p.s. I added a cell in the spreadsheet listing "effective accom per
> night" (total accom cost / person-days).  It is currently 47 €/night.
> That is a *lot* and explains why this costs so much relative to our
> other options.

While the 47€ may seem a lot from the outside or compared to the last
conferences this is actually quite a good deal for Switzerland. I very
much doubt that even with a lot of effort we can go more than 10%
cheaper. Very likely the price of an other venue will stay the same or
be even higher.

Also the 600 CHF for a week is actually cheap. If you exclude those that
are willing to sleep in their car and eat only cold sandwiches, you
won't get anything cheaper if you book it yourself (if you want a bed to
sleep and something warm to eat).

And just another data point to put these costs into perspective: For
DC12 for most attendees food and accomodation was sponsored but flights
from Europe. Considering this, the total costs of non travel sponsored
Europeans will be less for DC13 than for DC12 even if they pay the
professional fee.


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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
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