
Some additional information:

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 12:39:05PM -0500, Richard Darst wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is found a draft budget:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debconf-data/dc13/accounting/budget.ods?view=co

> Given 100 kCHF sponsorship (hug and I consider this to be a lot but
> somewhat safe for now), we can afford:
> 40 debcamp attendees
> 155 debconf attendees
> 15 kCHF travel sponsorship

In order to host 100/300 attendees and 30kCHF travel sponsorship, one
would need 160 kCHF of sponsorship income (assuming everything else
the same).

There is no "safety margin" included in this budget.  I agree there
should be, but for now I am trying to show what happens ideally.  One
safety margin comes from adding in DC12 surplus, and then expecting a
similar DC13 surplus.  This will be added in later, just remember that
at some point some money will go to surplus, not more attendees.

re: VAT: normally these budgets and numbers are done without VAT.  600
CHF includes plenty of margin to have VAT included, and there is a
separate budget line item for the VAT.  It'll have to be checked up on
later once hug knows more.

(and, to reply to holger here, yes, this is a living document and I
want to improve it by increasing sponsorship, which will then be
allocated to other things. budget-gaudenz.ods can be deleted, the
other one is deleted but just appears in the browser).

I'm glad that this is relatively uncontroversial.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 20 days, 19:12
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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