
thanks for going forward with this!

Just two minor comments:

On Montag, 6. Dezember 2010, Richard Darst wrote:
> Since right now we don't have any short versions to use to guide us,
> so that was my first priority.  Here is what I created (edits
> welcome):
>   http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/StandardsOfRespect#Short_version

I've done s/Disrespect can include outright harassment or creating of an 
unsafe or unwelcoming environment./Disrespect can include outright harassment 
or creating of an unwelcoming environment./

"Unsafe environment" is just too vague. Unsafe for whom?

> Who things that we should have a long version?

I'm fine with either your short version or a longer one similar to the OSDC 
one. Both are pretty short :) (and good.)


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