On 12/02/2010 05:19 AM, Richard Darst wrote:

>   http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_anti-harassment_policy
> What are your thoughts on adopting some sort of thing?  I think it's a
> good idea, and we can leave the adaptation and posting to some team
> who takes it on and reports back to us.

Thanks for bringing this up, Richard.  I also think this is a good idea
for DebConf.

> It's important to consider that for DebConf, it takes more to make a
> policy than just posting it on a web site.  Since DebConf changes so
> much each year, and isn't really run top-down, each year someone needs
> to make sure that the policy isn't neglected and year-specific things
> are updated somewhere.

Yes, any adopted policy document for DebConf should be a per-year thing
(e.g. "The DebConf 11 Anti-Harrassment Policy"), posted clearly and
simply so that future years can adopt it explicitly into the Debconf N+1
policy, re-affirming it at each stage.

> I think for DebConf it would make sense to have a well-respected,
> trusted group, selected in the usual DebConf way of "who volunteers
> that year and people approve of".  We publicize a way of contacting
> them and they can serve as an interface to the organizers that year
> and the wider organization to make sure that disrespectful behavior
> can be dealt with.  As a concrete example (not applicable every year),
> those on registration@ for DC10 could have served as a contact point
> because most people there would have fit the "well-respected
> established community members" mold.

This sounds reasonable to me, though i wouldn't want to require that
willingness to work on specific tasks (e.g. registration@ ) have to
match completely with this role.  People are more comfortable in some
roles than in others, and i wouldn't want someone to feel they had to
step down from registration because they couldn't handle being an
anti-harassment liaison (or vice versa).

> Just remember, there are many forms of harassment and disrespect, and
> just because you haven't heard about instances doesn't mean that they
> don't happen.



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