On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 13:11:54 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor 
<d...@fifthhorseman.net> wrote:
> On 06/04/2010 12:37 PM, Pablo Duboue wrote:
> > We appreciate your interest and the time you invested in putting
> > together your proposed event. Our talk selection committee felt
> > your submission on its current form would not attract enough
> > interest among the DebConf attendees and 
> i'd rather say "we didn't pick it" than "no one is interested in your
> proposal" (i know, it's not exactly what you said but someone reading it
> sensitively might feel that way).  For one thing, some accepted
> proposals have a very small number of people interested, and some
> rejected proposals probably have more.  there were other criteria
> besides "acceptance".
> > it will not merit
> > your effort put forward in preparing the talk.
> i don't want to say this either.  effort in preparing a talk is almost
> always useful for the preparer if the talk is about something they care
> about.

I agree with dkg's points, i was going to make similar. When I drafted
the rejection email I thought about including a reason why it was
rejected and then decided that just opens up all kinds of problems. I
also looked at other examples of rejection letters and found that often
that either the reasons were not given, or that very detailed feedback
was given. I dont think we can do the latter so I would prefer to just
be general and reject without reason. 


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