On 06/03/2010 03:47 AM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> Ever write a bunch of code to solve a problem, get to the end of it, and
> then realize there was a much better way you should have done it?
> The dc10 talks team had a long meeting tonight [0], which i'm now pretty
> convinced we did the Wrong Way, thanks mainly to my so-called
> "leadership" and my lack of foresight and understanding.
> I am reluctantly (and unilaterally) asking for a block on acting on
> nearly all the results of the meeting.  If any talks team member
> (present at the meeting or not) reads this and says "what happened was
> the right thing; go forward with the conclusions of the meeting as they
> stand", i will set my block aside immediately.
> I'm very sorry about this, and sorry that my block here makes the talks
> deadline slip still further.  Please tell me if i should withdraw my block.

Sorry for the confusion about what i meant by "block" above.  I meant:

 * i'm requesting that people should not act on the action items we
produced in the meeting, including external notification.

 * "set my block aside" means that i will rescind this request
immediately if anyone from the talks team tells me to.


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