On 06/03/2010 03:27 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On 06/03/2010 02:59 PM, micah anderson wrote:
>> I would propose that the best way forward, at this point, taking into
>> considerations all the discussions here and on IRC would be this:
>> 1. send an acceptance to all the currently 'accepted' talks in penta, we
>> don't bother including the 'two main rooms' details. it was accepted,
>> implementation details come later
>> 2. send a reject notice to the bottom 20 that did not make the cut due
>> to the ratings
> could you draft the rejection notice you're proposing someplace?
>> 3. accept in penta and send an acceptance email to the middle third that
>> we had such a hard time deciding on last night, this email would be no
>> different than #1
>> 4. we schedule Schipiro (414) along with the two main rooms

I haven't heard any objections to this plan.  I've updated


to match the texts we talked about here.  I propose we give MrBeige the
go ahead to send the two batches of e-mails as soon as he has time to do so.


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