On 06/04/2010 12:37 PM, Pablo Duboue wrote:
> We appreciate your interest and the time you invested in putting
> together your proposed event. Our talk selection committee felt
> your submission on its current form would not attract enough
> interest among the DebConf attendees and 

i'd rather say "we didn't pick it" than "no one is interested in your
proposal" (i know, it's not exactly what you said but someone reading it
sensitively might feel that way).  For one thing, some accepted
proposals have a very small number of people interested, and some
rejected proposals probably have more.  there were other criteria
besides "acceptance".

> it will not merit
> your effort put forward in preparing the talk.

i don't want to say this either.  effort in preparing a talk is almost
always useful for the preparer if the talk is about something they care

> We hope this doesn't discourage you from attending Debconf, in
> fact there will be opportunities for ad-hoc events to occur, if
> you should wish to still put it on (if you decide to do so, we can
> provide extended feedback to ensure a better fit for DebConf).

what kind of extended feedback did you have in mind?


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