+++ Philip Hands [2011-05-05 22:09 +0100]:

> There should be a strong indication that people need to make their way
> to Zagreb (unless people have alternative suggestions that I've failed
> to notice).
> One thing that should be highlighted is that the buses are faster than
> the trains, and run more often, for the final hundred kilometres or so.

I've done a little of this editing, but there is a lot more to do to
make everything clear and findable. I think your analysis of the
needed changes is spot on, so feel free to have a go.

> I've put some information here (i.e. the bus timetable and following notes):
>    http://wiki.earth.li/DebconfTravel2011/Train

> that might be worth transferring over into a bus timetable section,
> if a local can confirm the times -- the Banja Luka --> Zagreb times
> might help too.

I've added the return bus times BL->Zagreb

Making a page for this on the main wiki would be best.

> It would also be good to mention things like the fact that, yes there is
> a bus and train from Sarajevo, but the times are pretty unlikely to make
> you happy, so getting flights there is probably pointless.  The same
> goes for Belgrade from what I can tell.  Then again, I might have missed
> things, since my research was all online, and partly via bablefish.

The summary page from 2008 http://iaeste.ba/jump/howtoget.html that is linked 

shows a nice format for providing the basic info I think. (That page
is now slightly outdated - same number of trains I think, but the
times have changed a little. 

> I would do all these edits myself, except that I'm still not sure that
> I've got all this right, so a local should fact-check, and whoever is
> editing things just now probably has better ideas than me about how it
> should look in the end.

Hack away - I think your overview is as good as anyone elses.

Add a page for bus timetables BL<->Zagreb.
add a page for train summary to/from BL
Tidy up the 'travel tips' page till it's clear :-)

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