I said this on numerous occasions, but let me repeat it one more time.

Once the registrations are all cleared and set up, we should have
Arrival/Departure page where based on all registration details we'll
be able to statistically predict when to send most bus/es/shuttle/es
to Zagreb to pick up people.

Again, need your help which is providing information in order to
realize idea of organized transport.


On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 1:29 AM, Gunnar Wolf <gw...@gwolf.org> wrote:
> Ana Guerrero dijo [Thu, May 05, 2011 at 06:59:46PM +0200]:
>> And once you are in the city center 20 min after, what are your options? :)
>> Out of kidding, I am asking more about how safe is sleeping in the airport,
>> sleeping in the bus station or if there was some night train bus going to 
>> Bosnia
>> (now I have the schedules of the buses I see there isn't any).
>> If some people arrive late and have to spend the night in Zagreb, it would be
>> good to know about some place to sleep better than random hotel you find.
> Yup, I'll jump in here. Me and my GF are arriving to Zagreb at 21:30
> on the 18th, and the bus to Banja Luka departs at 22:00 - So, clearly,
> we will miss it. Are there any recommendations? We will most likely be
> very tired from a long trip and more interested in a cheap+clean hotel
> than anything else. How are hotel prices in Zagreb? Maybe we should
> have a list of recommendations/contact data? (or, of course, if we
> have The Magic Shuttle available, or anybody happens to pass through
> Zagreb at that time on their long drive to DebConf, it would also be
> great)
> In short,
> • How expensive do we expect a night in Zagreb to be?
> • Any recommendations on hotels? (cheaply much preferred!)
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