On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 01:02:29AM +0200, Giovanni Mascellani wrote:
> Hi.
> On 05/05/2011 18:59, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> > And once you are in the city center 20 min after, what are your options? :)
> > 
> > Out of kidding, I am asking more about how safe is sleeping in the airport, 
> > sleeping in the bus station or if there was some night train bus going to 
> > Bosnia 
> > (now I have the schedules of the buses I see there isn't any).
> > If some people arrive late and have to spend the night in Zagreb, it would 
> > be
> > good to know about some place to sleep better than random hotel you find.
> I'm interested in this too: at the moment my best option is to arrive at
> 04:20 in Zagreb, then take the first vehicle (train or bus) that moves
> towards Banja Luka.
> Which options do I have when I am in Zagreb train station?

The wiki page explains how to get from the train to the bus station.
It also links the bus timetable, which says the first bus to BL is 06:30.
So it's two hours in the city at dawn - sit on a park bench and idle :)

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