On 2011-05-06 11:16:03 (+0100), Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 10:50:48AM +0100, Ian Campbell wrote:
> >
> >One alternative option I'm considering is to fly to Ljubljana and hire a
> >car to drive to Banja Luka since from Cambridge I can easily get to
> >Stansted from where I can get a cheapish easyjet flight to LBJ, compared
> >with a ~2 hour drive to Heathrow for a more expensive flight to Zagreb
> >the overall cost works out around the same ballpark and the total travel
> >time seems to be roughly the same too.
> >
> >Perhaps the practicalities of taking a hire car across multiple borders
> >will make this plan infeasible (plus it looks like TomTom only has
> >partial coverage in the region). Does anyone local have any advice on
> >this?
> Well, we're driving all the way from the UK - see
>   http://wiki.earth.li/DebconfTravel2011/Roadtrip
> Insurance for people driving into Bosnia is apparently *interesting* -
> most UK insurers just don't do it, for example...

Oops. I'm planning to drive from finland. Tentative route : helsinki - rostock 
ferry, rostock - austria, austria - Banja Luka.


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