On Thu, 2008-10-23 at 16:04 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> OK, if the following is not the reason, then I don't know anything
> anymore :)
> My playouts allow multiple suicide. I believe Orego does the same. I
> found that not checking for that actually made things faster overall.
> But I bet that accounts for the longer average game-length.

You playouts allow multiple suicide.  I assume you do not allow single
stone suicide?   

I think this rule can make a bot much faster - don't know if it has an
impact one way or other on the strength.

However it's not what is specified.   I am quite sure this will impact
the speed - and I will look to see how difficult it is to change this
with my bot in order to compare numbers.

> If suicide is not allowed I'd say that criteria #2:
>   2. In the play-out phase, the moves must be chosen in a "uniformly
>      random" way between legal moves that do not fill 1 point eyes and
>      obey the simple-ko restriction.
> should explicitly make mention of suicide not being allowed.

It is explicitly mentioned in point 10.  However, I agree that point 2
needs clarification.   It is technically correct because I say "all
LEGAL moves except ..." but without a careful reading it's easy to read
that all empty points except simple ko and eye moves are allowed.

- Don

> Mark
> On 23-okt-08, at 15:32, Weston Markham wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Mark Boon
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > This is still something I don't understand. Are there others who
> > > implemented
> > > the same thing and got 111 moves per game on average? I tried to
> > > look
> > > through some posts on this list but didn't see any other numbers
> > > published.
> > 
> > 
> > 111 matches my recollection from past experiments that I did with
> > playouts that probably match Don's.  I think that this number has
> > been
> > posted previously on the mailing list.
> > 
> > 
> > Weston
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