On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 20:56 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
>       Hi Don,
> I fixed another bug and now I get an average game-length of 111.05,  
> which seems to be closer again to what you have. A million  
> simulations now takes about 35 seconds.

Is it a kind of bug that others might make?  I want to keep a list of
common implementation mistakes that I might add to the web page later.
So if you want to share this just let me know, otherwise no worries.

> I'm now running a twogtp test against your ref-bot. After 1,000 games  
> my bot has a winning percentage of 48.8% (+/- 1.6) according to  
> twogtp. 

That is well within 2 standard deviations so I don't think there is a
problem.  In fact it is within 1 standard deviation - you should get
scores outside 1 SD fairly often, so this is actually quite good.

> I suppose that's barely within the margin of error. I would  
> have felt more confident if it had been closer. I'll run more tests  
> over the weekend. And I'll put it up at CGOS as well. What are the  
> number of playouts to use on CGOS? I believe the default of your ref- 
> bot is 1,000, but on CGOS I see jref-XXX-2k and myCtest-2k-AMAF. So  
> should I use 2,000 playouts?

Yes, if you want a direct comparison.   We should all bunch up together.
Over time we should trade places and shuffle around a bit. 

- Don

> Mark

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