easiest way to use the power of the gpu) the result should be more meaningful too. Has anyone done any test like that (like use gnugo level 0 instead of an MC-playout) ? Does anyone have a minimalistic non-MC go engine I could look at ? One more thing - has anyone tried using quasi-MC for go ?

I have only disappointing answers :-)

Using a good player instead of MC has been used with negative results -
 the quality of the MC as a player is not the best criterion for
 evaluating a MC as a building block in bandit-based Monte-Carlo planning.
 I have not implemented anything myself, but you'll find informations in
 past posts in the mailing lists.

Quasi-MC is difficult to do - some things have been tried here, without
 positive results (and often negative ones :-) ). More precisely, pairing
 simulations has been tried without success; also, the variance of MC is
 seemingly important as reducing it by averaging is not efficient (at
 least, I believe that :-) ).

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