I haven't seen anything to that effect on the list.  By the nature of UCT,
it should focus in on a fight if it is critical to the outcome of the game.
I haven't seen any documentation of explicitly restricting the scope of an
MC search, but the concept makes sense to me.


Thanks, although if you're referring to
   Modification of UCT with Patterns in Monte Carlo Go [Section 3.3]
I was aware of it already... the way I understood is was that
in some fixed(?) amount of simulations moves were restricted
to the local area and the rest of the simulations were done as
usually while _the objective was all the time winning the game_.

What I'm am curious about is if Monte Carlo Go/UCT has been
used for solving life and death/capturing/connection problems,
in which the objective is to determine whether the proposed
problem has a solution or not?


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