Thanks, although if you're referring to
Modification of UCT with Patterns in Monte Carlo Go [Section 3.3]
I was aware of it already... the way I understood is was that
in some fixed(?) amount of simulations moves were restricted
to the local area and the rest of the simulations were done as
usually while _the objective was all the time winning the game_.
What I'm am curious about is if Monte Carlo Go/UCT has been
used for solving life and death/capturing/connection problems,
in which the objective is to determine whether the proposed
problem has a solution or not?
On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, Chris Fant wrote:
Sylvian's paper on MoGo talks about how they do this on boards larger
than 9x9. Sorry, don't have a link for you.
Hi, I distantly remember a post, where someone said something
about someone (sorry... I know this is really vaque) working
on using Monte Carlo Go/UCT to estimate results in subgames,
i.e., life & death, connection, capture, etc.
Does anyone know, if there are any published results on
the subject?
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