Either 5 or 10 minutes per side is fine by me, with a mild preference
toward 10 minutes for two reasons: hysteresis (if it ain't broke,
don't fix it) and it gives me enough time to broadcast the moves by
hand to John Tromp so he can comment on the game; I couldn't do this
twice as fast. :) I also like the argument that some innovative ideas
might just not work very well in fast games, so it would be better to
keep them longer.

I don't like the idea of giving extra time every move. The effect is
very similar to adding a fixed amount of time, since go games have
fairly constant lengths. Lags are probably tiny these days for most
people anyway. And you do get an update of how much time you have
left, so if you do something simple like spending a constant fraction
of the time left each turn, your program will adjust itself to the lag
and not run out of time. In short, I don't see what problem this

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