On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 12:25 +0200, Edward de Grijs wrote:
> >From: Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >I am considering to change the time control when I change
> >over officially to 5 minutes instead of 10.   5 minutes seems
> >more than adequate  for the Monte Carlo programs which play
> >quite strongly even at 2 minutes per game.
> Hello all,
> I prefer very short time controls, like 1 or 2 minutes for 9x9
> and 5 to 10 minutes for 19x19, to obtain faster testing speeds.
> Isn't it true that most of us will test our (MC based) programs
> against opponents with fast time controls to get an accurate
> rating fast enough?
> And if so, why not extending this fast rates to CGOS?
> Just my thoughts, maybe I am wrong about what others do.
> What do the other readers think of this?
> Edward.

One has to strike a balance.  CGOS isn't just for pure testing,
it can be used to test algorithms that may require time to be
realized.  Or it can be viewed as a competition like a ladder.

Also, the server will be visual soon, allowing 
users to watch games while they are being played.  In this
case if the games get too fast they are difficult to digest,
at least for weaker players like myself.  

The quality is also affected by the time control and I think
it's desirable to raise the quality of the games.   There are
many programs which could maintain a 1 minute time control,
and these programs would particularly benefit (from a 
competetive point of view) from faster time controls and
scalable algorithms would suffer accordingly.   

So there are pro's and con's to any time control we might
consider and we should strike a reasonable balance.   In some
sense any time control is arbitrary - but we end up choosing
time controls that are comfortable from the human point of 
view - in other words a human would feel relatively comfortable
playing the time control - even though it's our programs playing!
But I think that's good since most people develop their programs
with the potential goal of playing against people.

- Don

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