Hi J-G I am in the middle of replacing my traveller, car, etc.
The boat came with a Kenyon track 1-1/4, and car with 4 rollers w. SS balls. End controls gave it a 3:1 ratio. Moving it was like driving over a bunch of potholes, with all the tires flat. Found a Harken 32mm track with 4” centres drilled, same as the Kenyon. The Harken track uses 5/16” FH screws, the Kenyon ¼”. So I have tapped out the holes to suit. Also 4:1 HL Car, and ESP End controls. The original track was sitting in a 4” x 1-3/4 Aluminium channel, that unfortunately was not wide enough for the new car. I have a strip of EDPE (?) anyway, white plastic 2” x 1” thick, that will go under the new track, and gives the height needed for clearance. Also moving the cam cleats to the cabin top either side of the companionway. Should be done in a week or so. ( I had better be, im launching today.) Rgds John Landfall 38 From: Jean-Guy Nadeau [mailto:jgnad...@hotmail.com] Sent: May-01-17 11:10 PM To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com Subject: Stus-List Traveler for C&C 35 Mk II My track slide is very difficult to move. The wheels are worn and do not turn easily any more. Has anyone found a suitable replacement system or parts to repair the existing system? Cheers, J-G
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