
I am in the same boat (lol) and understand that in the upcoming couple of years 
I will be faced with the problem.

I purchased my boat 2 years ago and the survey gave the standard evaluation 
when buy a boat. So I hired rigger to give me his honest opinion.

I was told everything was top of the line and in great shape, but it was 28 
years old. 

I have been budgeting for it and researching.

This are the websites I found that were helpful.

I have solid rigging and not sure if I want to continue with solid or not.

I would be interested in reading others advice on CnC 38-ft solid rigging 


38-ft Mk III

Freeland, WA


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Patrick 
Davin via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 7:20 AM
Cc: Patrick Davin
Subject: Stus-List Pointers on rerigging an LF38


I'm considering doing a rerig this winter. There are no obvious problems, but 
it's getting on 33 years now and would be nice for the peace of mind. Does 
anyone know of any blogs / websites / emails that do sort of a step by step 
guide to do-it-yourself rerigging? 


I'd like to do it myself to save on labor costs, but work with a local rigger 
hopefully to help with ordering the parts. I have one in mind who did my rig 
inspection plus replaced the D2s last year. 


The D2s (diagonals from lower spreader to mast near upper spreaders) are 
already new rod as of last year, due to some small cracks found at the upper 
rod ends of the old rod. 


I have the original rig schematics diagram. However Navtec no longer makes some 
of these parts. I understand the spreader 3-way join and the mast tangs are the 
tricky part. 


I searched the list archives but didn't find much on rerigs. I know Wally did a 
rerig but he didn't cover the details of it. I've seen some riggers say rerig 
requires unstepping the mast, but I'm not sure why they say this. If I can do 
this without pulling the mast that will save a lot of work and expense. 


Releasing the side shrouds at the upper terminations (stemballs) requires 
lifting the rod to near parallel to the ground and then unscrewing the navtang. 
When we did the D2s, this was easy. The caps unscrewed without any special 
efforts like heating. The uppers could be more difficult because they're longer 
(and perhaps hard to lift parallel to earth). 


If anyone knows of a good guide (ideally specific to C&C's) to this, I'd love 
to read it. 



1984 C&C LF38

Seattle, WA




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