I don't think anyone is suggesting that there are no risks when you go to
sea.  (Spoiler Alert: There are plenty)

The key is to understand them and to take prudent steps to manage them.
But even if you do that, bad luck can still happen.  (And it does from time
to time)

>From what I understand of Rebel Heart (and I don't know the guy), I have no
reason to doubt that they didn't understand, prepare for or manage the
risks involved.  He has been a regular contributor on CF and most of the
folks over there have a lot of time for him.

What infuriates me is when people like this "writer" make the assertion
that any non-zero risk is too great when a child is concerned, yet they
expose their children to dozens of non-zero risks every day and aren't even
aware of it.

And then when she invokes Jaws and the Perfect Storm... that's just crazy

Disclosure:  While I'm not necessarily the most experienced parent or
sailor on the planet, I do have 3 kids, and in addition to tons of coastal
cruising they have all done 4 offshore passages ranging from 700 to 1400
miles - so I do have a fair bit of experience as it pertains to this
particular subject.  Certainly more than that blogger.


On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 4:07 PM, <charliekilo...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Good point about Dave and Jaja.  Reading their stories in the 90's was
> a huge inspiration to us when we were making our plans to take off in
> 2009.  I still have one of their Cruising World cover stories as bathroom
> reading in our basement (the one where he's standing on the spreaders in a
> survival suit scanning the horizon with binoculars)
> The only issue I take with Dave and Jaja is not from a parenting
> perspective, but when they decided to freeze themselves into the arctic ice
> for a full winter.  Personally, I think boats do a lot better when the
> water's in liquid form and the ice is in your drink.
> Cheers,
> Colin
> Sent from Windows Mail
> *From:* Jack Brennan <jackbren...@bellsouth.net>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 09, 2014 3:13 PM
> *To:* C&C List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
>  As an old newspaper guy and web producer, I'll say this clearly is a
> case of a blogger knowing how to stir the pot to get a great deal of clicks
> and attention ...
> The fact is that there are many families out there cruising with small
> children and nothing bad happens, just as there are families out there
> traveling in cars and campers. You could make a good statistical argument
> that it's more dangerous to drive your kids in a car than sail.
> Should families not go on driving trips because someone went in an old
> car, broke down and ended up in danger?
> Interestingly, no one made a fuss in the pre-Internet era when the Martin
> family did a circumnavigation on a CAL 25 - with three children being born
> along the way, including one when they were AT SEA.
>  http://www.cal25.com/page11/page42/WorldCruiser.html
> Jack Brennan
> Former C&C 25
> Shanachie, 1974 Bristol 30
> Tierra Verde, Fl.
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