I dunno folks, you are all roundly condemning her but aside from her crappy
attitude, smart ass exaggerations and lack of knowledge/experience of
sailing she does still have one good point: taking those small kids on such
a long journey constituted exposing them to many risks for the parents own
gratification not the kids.

The point she seems to be missing is that all kinds of people do similar
things and have no problems - it never makes the news, it flys under the
radar. Average people (not in the sailing community) never hear about it.
They're well planned trips (maybe some unplanned ones too, who were just
lucky). So when something does happen and the typically sensationalist media
jump on it, all the raving naysayers jump on it too. She herself has been
influenced by media sensationalism.

Good planning, risk analysis and contingency planning are essential to a
successful long distance sailing trip. Yes unforeseen stuff can happen to
the boat, but I'm still talking about those children.
If these people had done proper trip planning they would have assessed the
risks and decided against the trip.

Steve Hood
S/V Diamond Girl
C&C 34
Lions Head ON


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 09:24:54 -0400
From: Colin Kilgour <charliekilo...@gmail.com>
To: "C&C List" <CnC-List@cnc-list.com>
Subject: Stus-List Rebel Heart - an ignorant woman blogs...
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

If you want to get infuriated, read this woman's blog about Rebel Heart.

Apparently, she's some kind of self-described parenting expert who is now
weighing in on sailing and seamanship issues as well.

I'm not sure I'd have gone to sea with my kids at that age, but if I didn't,
it certainly wasn't for the reasons that this self described expert


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