
        We did the teak thing, coving up the holes left by some old 
non-functional B&G instruments. Glassing and color-matching gelcoat seemed like 
a big job.

        Call me lazy, but I do like the finished look. And, if I ever want to 
do something different there, it’s an easy replace. 

        All the best,


        Edd M. Schillay
        Starship Enterprise
        C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
        City Island, NY 
        Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log

On Feb 13, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Chuck S <> wrote:

1) Many boat owners cover the old holes with a piece of teak or a piece of 
Starboard and mount the new displays on that.  

2) The proper way is to glass the holes closed and cut new holes for the new 
displays, but you'll need to paint the area or match the gelcoat color.  I did 
method 1 and have method 2 on my "someday" project list.  FWIW, I chose 
TackTick instruments to replace my Signet SmartPak system, and love the product

1990 C&C 34R
Atlantic City, NJ
From: "Jim Lynch" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 2:33:41 PM
Subject: Stus-List Shopping for Depth Sounders and Knot meters

Hey Gang,

I'm shopping for a new depth sounder and a new knot meter for the old 
C&C 38 I'm buying. I'm not impressed with my choices, especially if I 
try to find one that fits in the old instruments panel above the 

I could go the route of Moor Instruments with their old round instrument 
style, but worried about the quality. I could pay more and get the 
Raymarine products though they're rectangular and pricey and seem to 
have all the same glitches and short lifespans that come with these 
electronics, particularly depth sounders.

So I'm wondering if any of you swear by the reliability and/or service 
of one brand or another, or if you've had good or bad experiences with 
Raymarine, Moor or other brands like Fiara, Hawkeye or Hummingbird.


Jim Lynch
38-2 (temporarily unnamed)
Olympia, WA

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