Plenty of used motors if your friend doesn't mind a bit of travel. This link has the results of a search for "atomic 4" on craigslist across the entire U.S. * <>*
Your friend might also have luck poking through the websites of his local yacht clubs. They typically have classifieds sections and I've often seen stuff there that didn't make it to craigslist. Though, craigslist is the first place I'de look. On the topic of the venerable old A4: When I purchased Suhana I opted for the boat with the A4 because my thinking was that a 30 year old motor is a 30 year old motor. The premium for a later model 32 with an *original* diesel wasn't justified in my opinion. Any old motor is a liability (mechanically). The later model 32s were all 10k more than my boat, that's the price of a brand new diesel so why would I buy an old one? The later 32s have things mine doesn't like an oven and refrigeration (IIRC) but those aren't worth 10k either, especially if they're original. So for me it was a financial decision. I do appreciate that the old A4 is quiet however and so far, easy to work on. Oh, and plenty of support on the Moyer Marine forum. Steve Suhana, C&C 32 Toronto On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Della Barba, Joe <>wrote: > Gasoline is dangerous. So is *propane*, which many of you have. Be careful > with both of them ;) > The A4 runs through about 3/4-1 gal/hr at cruise FYI. > I once listened to a speech about the safety of diesel from a Cabo Rico > owner that stored his dinghy gas tank in the cabin! > > Joe Della Barba > Coquina C&C 35 MK I > > -----Original Message----- > From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of > OldSteveH > Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:06 PM > To: > Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4 > > Three years ago I was doing work up my mast about 100 ft away from a 40` > wooden Chriscraft which exploded during refuelling. > It was shocking and there was no warning for those nearby. My point - it's > more than rhetoric or something you only hear about. It can actually happen. > > Second observation - a friend rebuilt his A4 last winter, reinstalled in > the spring and found out his tranny was seized. R&R all over again. > The message - take the time to go over everything and rebuild/refurbish as > necessary. You don't want to take it out twice. Of course same goes for any > engine. > > 3rd - my 3GM will use about 1/4 tank of fuel motoring and motor sailing for > 13 hours. How will that compare with gasoline - I think there's a big > difference. > > Not criticizing the idea of keeping an A4, just being aware of some risks > and differences. > > Cheers, > > Steve Hood > S/V Diamond Girl > C&C 34 > Lions Head ON > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Message: 1 > Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:26:16 GMT > From: "" <> > To: > Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4 > Message-ID: <> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" > > Every time someone brings up the A4, the diesel suggestions start to flow. > LOL Okay the guy needs a head, he can buy a completely new aftermarket one > from Moyer for $450 and be back on the water in, literally hours after > receiving it... OOORRR... he can buy a used diesel for $2500 and replace > that and all the fuel lines and fuel tank and filters and whatever else for > a minimum of another probably $1500 or $2000 in parts and periferals like > what prop, shaft, whatever, and install it all himself in, oh i don't know, > 2 or 3 weekends... Then there is all the adjustments and testing another > weekend at least. What is the gain, It's sail boat, isn't the idea to be > sailing and not chugging along under power for days at a time? I mean the > diesel with most certainly add to the value of your boat, but probably no > more than the cost to convert it. The Atomic 4 is a great motor and, in my > opinion, better suited for coastal cruising and day-sailing. I guess if > your going to do some passage making then, yes, the diesel would be a good > decision. Then there is all the rhetoric about unsafe gasoline in your > boat and fuel consumption. Of course there is truth to those statements > but, how many boats do we hear about exploding every year? Fuel > consumption? again, if your passage making, but if you're just using it to > get in and out harbors or to motor home for a few hours when there is no > wind, I really don't see the benefit. You can get gas at far more marinas > than diesel too... Besides, they don't stink and they're quieter than a > diesel! End of rant, Sorry I couldn't stop myself... LOL Go A4!!! > Danny!! P.S. Just for full disclosure, My brand new A4 from Moyer STILL > doesn't run the way I think it should... > > ---------- Original Message ---------- > From: "dwight" <> > To: <> > Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4 > Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:41:43 -0400 > > > > > OK Joe, same for the Universal M4-30…I got one in my 35 MKII and it > fits well in the space with no apparent mods to what it sits on…it > is also basically a Kubota engine I believe > > From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Della > Barba, Joe > Sent: January 29, 2014 10:11 AM > To: > Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4 > > Nothing is an *exact* drop in, but Beta Marine has IMHO the best > “almost an A4” diesels. They are based on Kubota blocks. > I lucked out and got a very nice A4 that had been rebuilt as a project by > an engineering officer for $1500 on Craigslist. I bought it within about 45 > minutes of the ad going up. > > Joe Della Barba > Coquina > > From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of dwight > Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:08 AM > To: > Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4 > > Josh > > If so, I believe the Universal M4-30 is a drop in replacement for the A4 > on a 35 MKII. I know the previous owner of my 35 MKII after several (4) > disappointments with A4 replacement engines or heads took the plunge and so > I ended up getting a 35MKII with a diesel already installed and that little > 4 cylinder has lots of power for the boat and runs quiet and smooth as > silk…he also changed to the H5 Autoprop when he installed the > diesel…that’s a really good combo…It does require a > significant expense to do the job, but why not, especially if ones intends > to keep the boat, you never regret having a could auxiliary propulsion > system > > From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Josh > Muckley > Sent: January 29, 2014 8:14 AM > To: > Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4 > > I know he's looking for an Atomic 4 but I thought he might find value in > converting to diesel. > > > AY-MOTOR > > > AY-MOTOR > Josh Muckley > S/V Sea Hawk > Solomons, MD > On Jan 28, 2014 5:57 PM, "Aaron Rouhi" <> wrote: > My good friend just lost his Atomic 4 on a 35-2 (cracked head and other > major issues). He's looking for another Atomic 4 as a replacement. Any > leads is greatly appreciated. > > Cheers, > Aaron R. > 1979 30-MK1 > Annapolis, MD > > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > > -------------- next part -------------- > An HTML attachment was scrubbed... > URL: > < > > f97539/attachment-0001.html> > > ------------------------------ > > > > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > > > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > > >
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