Five hours up the coast but it may be of help:

I would buy those parts if the seller was close to me. $150 for all that
stuff is a deal and I have no spares.

Suhana, C&C 32

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Stevan Plavsa <>wrote:

> Plenty of used motors if your friend doesn't mind a bit of travel. This
> link has the results of a search for "atomic 4" on craigslist across the
> entire U.S.
> *
> <>*
> Your friend might also have luck poking through the websites of his local
> yacht clubs. They typically have classifieds sections and I've often seen
> stuff there that didn't make it to craigslist. Though, craigslist is the
> first place I'de look.
> On the topic of the venerable old A4:
> When I purchased Suhana I opted for the boat with the A4 because my
> thinking was that a 30 year old motor is a 30 year old motor. The premium
> for a later model 32 with an *original* diesel wasn't justified in my
> opinion. Any old motor is a liability (mechanically). The later model 32s
> were all 10k more than my boat, that's the price of a brand new diesel so
> why would I buy an old one? The later 32s have things mine doesn't like an
> oven and refrigeration (IIRC) but those aren't worth 10k either, especially
> if they're original. So for me it was a financial decision. I do appreciate
> that the old A4 is quiet however and so far, easy to work on. Oh, and
> plenty of support on the Moyer Marine forum.
> Steve
> Suhana, C&C 32
> Toronto
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Della Barba, Joe <
>> wrote:
>> Gasoline is dangerous. So is *propane*, which many of you have. Be
>> careful with both of them ;)
>> The A4 runs through about 3/4-1 gal/hr at cruise FYI.
>> I once listened to a speech about the safety of diesel from a Cabo Rico
>> owner that stored his dinghy gas tank in the cabin!
>> Joe Della Barba
>> Coquina C&C 35 MK I
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
>> OldSteveH
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:06 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4
>> Three years ago I was doing work up my mast about 100 ft away from a 40`
>> wooden Chriscraft which exploded during refuelling.
>> It was shocking and there was no warning for those nearby. My point -
>> it's more than rhetoric or something you only hear about. It can actually
>> happen.
>> Second observation - a friend rebuilt his A4 last winter, reinstalled in
>> the spring and found out his tranny was seized. R&R all over again.
>> The message - take the time to go over everything and rebuild/refurbish
>> as necessary. You don't want to take it out twice. Of course same goes for
>> any engine.
>> 3rd - my 3GM will use about 1/4 tank of fuel motoring and motor sailing
>> for
>> 13 hours. How will that compare with gasoline - I think there's a big
>> difference.
>> Not criticizing the idea of keeping an A4, just being aware of some risks
>> and differences.
>> Cheers,
>> Steve Hood
>> S/V Diamond Girl
>> C&C 34
>> Lions Head ON
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:26:16 GMT
>> From: "" <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Every time someone brings up the A4, the diesel suggestions start to flow.
>> LOL Okay the guy needs a head, he can buy a completely new aftermarket
>> one from Moyer for $450 and be back on the water in, literally hours after
>> receiving it...  OOORRR...  he can buy a used diesel for $2500 and replace
>> that and all the fuel lines and fuel tank and filters and whatever else for
>> a minimum of another probably $1500 or $2000 in parts and periferals like
>> what prop, shaft, whatever, and install it all himself in, oh i don't know,
>> 2 or 3 weekends...  Then there is all the adjustments and testing another
>> weekend at least. What is the gain,  It's sail boat, isn't the idea to be
>> sailing and not chugging along under power for days at a time?  I mean the
>> diesel with most certainly add to the value of your boat, but probably no
>> more than the cost to convert it.  The Atomic 4 is a great motor and, in my
>> opinion, better suited for coastal cruising and day-sailing.  I guess if
>> your going to do some passage making then, yes, the diesel would be a good
>> decision.  Then there is all the rhetoric about unsafe gasoline in your
>> boat and fuel consumption.  Of course there is truth to those statements
>> but, how many boats do we hear about exploding every year?  Fuel
>> consumption?  again, if your passage making, but if you're just using it to
>> get in and out harbors or to motor home for a few hours when there is no
>> wind, I really don't see the benefit.  You can get gas at far more marinas
>> than diesel too...  Besides, they don't stink and they're quieter than a
>> diesel! End of rant,  Sorry I couldn't stop myself...  LOL Go A4!!!
>>  Danny!! P.S.  Just for full disclosure,  My brand new A4 from Moyer STILL
>> doesn't run the way I think it should...
>> ---------- Original Message ----------
>> From: "dwight" <>
>> To: <>
>> Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4
>> Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:41:43 -0400
>> OK Joe, same for the Universal M4-30&hellip;I got one in my 35 MKII and
>> it fits well in the space with no apparent mods to what it sits
>> on&hellip;it is also basically a Kubota engine I believe
>> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Della
>> Barba, Joe
>>  Sent: January 29, 2014 10:11 AM
>>  To:
>>  Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4
>> Nothing is an *exact* drop in, but Beta Marine has IMHO the best
>> &ldquo;almost an A4&rdquo; diesels. They are based on Kubota blocks.
>> I lucked out and got a very nice A4 that had been rebuilt as a project by
>> an engineering officer for $1500 on Craigslist. I bought it within about 45
>> minutes of the ad going up.
>> Joe Della Barba
>> Coquina
>> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of dwight
>>  Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:08 AM
>>  To:
>>  Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4
>> Josh
>> If so, I believe the Universal M4-30 is a drop in replacement for the A4
>> on a 35 MKII.  I know the previous owner of my 35 MKII after several (4)
>> disappointments with A4 replacement engines or heads took the plunge and so
>> I ended up getting a 35MKII with a diesel already installed and that little
>> 4 cylinder has lots of power for the boat and runs quiet and smooth as
>> silk&hellip;he also changed to the H5 Autoprop when he installed the
>> diesel&hellip;that&rsquo;s a really good combo&hellip;It does require a
>> significant expense to do the job, but why not, especially if ones intends
>> to keep the boat, you never regret having a could auxiliary propulsion
>> system
>> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Josh
>> Muckley
>>  Sent: January 29, 2014 8:14 AM
>>  To:
>>  Subject: Re: Stus-List Atomic 4
>> I know he's looking for an Atomic 4 but I thought he might find value in
>> converting to diesel.
>> Josh Muckley
>>  S/V Sea Hawk
>>  Solomons, MD
>> On Jan 28, 2014 5:57 PM, "Aaron Rouhi" <> wrote:
>> My good friend just lost his Atomic 4 on a 35-2 (cracked head and other
>> major issues). He's looking for another Atomic 4 as a replacement. Any
>> leads is greatly appreciated.
>>  Cheers,
>> Aaron R.
>> 1979 30-MK1
>> Annapolis, MD
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