
Its nice being able to set a course to a waypoint and having the AP correct
for tide, slippage etc.  It does not relieve me of my obligation to
maintain a watch.


On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 1:26 PM, David <davidrisc...@msn.com> wrote:

> At the risk of being a Luddite...
> I love my auto-pilot and use it constantly.   But by design it is isolated
> from all electronics.   I like being "the interface" and having to
> constantly check the course et al.   Seems safer to me.
> David F. Risch
> 1981 40-2
> (401) 419-4650 (cell)
> ------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 13:13:46 -0500
> From: cpt.b...@gmail.com
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Autohelm St4000 how it should work with the GPS
> I just googled it looking for an answer to me problem and This is the
> website that I came up with.
> http://www.jfaughn.com/crew_boat_projects/projects/garminautohelm/492autohelm.htm
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Jim Watts <paradigmat...@gmail.com>wrote:
> The blue wire on Raymarine 4000 autopilots is the -V for the power supply.
> I suggest you track down whoever told you to hook it up like that and beat
> him senseless. Read the manuals for each, it isn't rocket science.
> Jim Watts
> Paradigm Shift
> C&C 35 Mk III
> Victoria, BC
> On 13 January 2014 05:04, Curtis <cpt.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Got it all wired in today and I need some help.
> I have an older model Autohelm St4000 and a new Echo50s Garmin.\I have the
> blue wire from the control head going to the blue wire on the Garmin I have
> the red wire to the inst switch and a common ground to the batt.
> I have the baud rate set to 4800.
> Here goes the dumbest question I have asked.
> How do I get it to steer the boat? The st400 when in gauged will respond
> to the control head. How do I get it to steer a course?
> Thanks so much for your help. one other question. IO have a transducer at
> the top of my mast with App and True Wind / Wind Speed, I have a gauge that
> I want to use in one location but I want the information to go into the
> Garmin as well.It will take the information according to the instruction I
> just don't know how to get all of the inputs in the one last remaining
> brown wire on the garmin?
> Thanks again for your help
> --
> *At sea, I learned how little a person needs, not how much. -  Robin Lee
> Graham*
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> *At sea, I learned how little a person needs, not how much. -  Robin Lee
> Graham*
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