
What sort of warranty do they have?  Why do you stay loyal to the brand?


On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Wally Bryant <w...@wbryant.com> wrote:

> I have 3 Caframos, which often run 24x7.  I seem to burn them up in about
> a year, which makes them pretty expensive.  They do move a lot of air.  I
> have one of those nylon hammocks above my berth, full of cookies, nuts and
> potato chips, and suspend the fans from the mesh. When on the hook they
> swing back and forth with the boat.
> Another one burned up just this morning, and they aren't cheap.  I do wish
> they had a blade guard, because it's a pain when I stick my head in one.
> Wal
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