Ken, I've seen lots of the white interiors, how in the hell do you guys keep 
them looking so good?

1987 33-II (without a white interior) 

Richard N. Bush Law Offices 
235 South Fifth Street, Fourth Floor 
Louisville, Kentucky 40202 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Heaton <>
To: cnc-list <>
Sent: Thu, Jul 11, 2013 4:14 pm
Subject: Re: Stus-List Best C&C's of all time

Of course I'm with Josh and Edd on this.  The 37+ is the last and best of the 
Rob Ball C&C's.

(Yes Rob did the 34+ just after but the 34+ is just a baby 37+)

Oh, and if you have never seen the aft cabin on a 37+ it looks like this:

My wife is quite fond of that cabin...

The rest of the interior ain't too shabby either:

Need I say more??

Ken H.

On 11 July 2013 10:42, Edd Schillay <> wrote:


I'm with ya! Ever since I saw the design of the C&C 37+ back in 1989, I thought 
-- perfection! When I was boat shopping in 2005, I finally got to step aboard 
one and I couldn't write the check fast enough. 

I mean -- just look at this deck plan and accommodation plan -- It doesn't get 
any better than that! Don't squint or rub your eyes -- you saw it -- that's a 
walk-around queen-sized berth back there!  So, as they say on MTV: Respect, 
Biotches! (Ok, I don't watch MTV and really don't know what that really means, 
but I'm ranting here.)

Just last night before racing, a big gust came through. Other crews were 
scrambling to get to the high side as their angle of heel put their rails under 
water. We were casually sailing along, drinking water, and discussing current 
events, all while the boat hummed along at 7.2 knots (Warp 7.2). Perfection I 
tell you -- perfection!

And yeah, I was at the Mystic Rendezvous last year and I heard Rob Ball's 
response saying that to pick a favorite design is like picking your favorite 
child, but come on, those of you with kids know that it's the older ones that 
are the most disappointing. You learned from your mistakes and the younger ones 
are the best. Let's just all admit it and let's move on. 

This is coming from the first born of the family too.  :-)

All the best,


Edd M. Schillay
Starship Enterprise
C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
City Island, NY 

Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log Website

On Jul 10, 2013, at 10:50 PM, Josh Muckley <> wrote:

Alright guys, I've been biting my tongue.  Is there no love for the 37+?  For 
me the boat has been everything I ever wanted.  Looks, performance, build 
quality, accommodations, and regular pier side compliments.  How about some 
props Edd and Ken?
All the support for the 35's really has me intrigued and dying to get 
acquainted with one.
Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

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his List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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