
        Give me a buzz in 5 years. 

        After all, there are plenty of more letters in the alphabet. 

        All the best,


        Edd M. Schillay
        Starship Enterprise
        C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
        City Island, NY 
        Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log Website

On Jul 11, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Joel Aronson <> wrote:

> I have to admit, that cabin is sweet!  In 5 years with hen I have time for 
> extended cruising I hope one of you 37+ owners will be ready to move on to 
> your next boat!
> Joel
> 35/3
> The Office
> Annapolis
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Ken Heaton <> wrote:
> Of course I'm with Josh and Edd on this.  The 37+ is the last and best of the 
> Rob Ball C&C's.
> (Yes Rob did the 34+ just after but the 34+ is just a baby 37+)
> Oh, and if you have never seen the aft cabin on a 37+ it looks like this: 
> My wife is quite fond of that cabin...
> The rest of the interior ain't too shabby either: 
> Need I say more??
> Ken H.
> On 11 July 2013 10:42, Edd Schillay <> wrote:
> Josh,
>       I'm with ya! Ever since I saw the design of the C&C 37+ back in 1989, I 
> thought -- perfection! When I was boat shopping in 2005, I finally got to 
> step aboard one and I couldn't write the check fast enough. 
>       I mean -- just look at this deck plan and accommodation plan -- It 
> doesn't get any better than that! Don't squint or rub your eyes -- you saw it 
> -- that's a walk-around queen-sized berth back there!  So, as they say on 
> MTV: Respect, Biotches! (Ok, I don't watch MTV and really don't know what 
> that really means, but I'm ranting here.)
>       Just last night before racing, a big gust came through. Other crews 
> were scrambling to get to the high side as their angle of heel put their 
> rails under water. We were casually sailing along, drinking water, and 
> discussing current events, all while the boat hummed along at 7.2 knots (Warp 
> 7.2). Perfection I tell you -- perfection!
>       And yeah, I was at the Mystic Rendezvous last year and I heard Rob 
> Ball's response saying that to pick a favorite design is like picking your 
> favorite child, but come on, those of you with kids know that it's the older 
> ones that are the most disappointing. You learned from your mistakes and the 
> younger ones are the best. Let's just all admit it and let's move on. 
>       This is coming from the first born of the family too.  :-)
>       All the best,
>       Edd
>       Edd M. Schillay
>       Starship Enterprise
>       C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
>       City Island, NY 
>       Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log Website
> On Jul 10, 2013, at 10:50 PM, Josh Muckley <> wrote:
>> Alright guys, I've been biting my tongue.  Is there no love for the 37+?  
>> For me the boat has been everything I ever wanted.  Looks, performance, 
>> build quality, accommodations, and regular pier side compliments.  How about 
>> some props Edd and Ken?
>> All the support for the 35's really has me intrigued and dying to get 
>> acquainted with one.
>> Josh Muckley
>> S/V Sea Hawk
>> 1989 C&C 37+
>> Solomons, MD
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