Dennis is spot on and his comments are worth many times more than the claimed 
$.02. Lifelines are primary safety gear and a very visible component of the 
boat; a poor place to save the price of a couple of boxes of beer.

Rich Knowles
Indigo - C&C LF38
Halifax - Nova Scotia

On 2013-02-15, at 21:03, "Dennis C." <> wrote:

> FYI, for the adventurous, you can make your own hand crimp SS lifelines.  
> I've made lifelines with both a wrench swage and a Loos hand swage tool.  I 
> have the Loos tool.  I got it off eBay for about $60.  It sells normally for 
> around $250-300.
> Couple of points here.
> 1.  The cost savings is offset by the aethetics of hand swage fittings.  
> Machine swage fittings look much better.  Over the 10-20 year life of a 
> lifeline, the $$ difference isn't much.  When a customer asks me for an 
> estimate, they, more often than not, either choose to do nothing or have a 
> local rigging shop make them rather than hire me to do it.
> 2.  Making your own lifelines is a pain in the butt.  If you measure 
> incorrectly, the $$ you lose in a fitting or a length of lifeline will 
> probably  offset your savings.
> 3.  Buying a Loos swage tool on eBay may sound good but a word of caution.  
> Many of them are well used tools from professional installers that may have 
> excess clearance.  If the tool can't properly compress the fitting, one or 
> more of your crew is going over the side when it lets go.
> 4. Hand swage fittings tend to bend a bit when you swage them.  This is 
> particularly true of the cheap wrench swage tool.  Machine swage fittings are 
> genrally straight although I have seen a few with a slight bend.
> My recommendation is that you strip all the lifelines and take them to a pro 
> to have them duplicated.  In many cases, you can re-use fittings that only 
> require a new threaded stud.
> My 2 cents worth.
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
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